Laudato Si

Called to Ecological Conversion

One of the themes threaded throughout Laudato Si’ is the need for an ecological conversion.

The Value of Everyone

In today’s world where countless organisms have been destroyed or are under threat, the cross of Christ reveals God’s redemptive co-suffering with creation in all its complexity, struggle and pain.

Integral Ecology and Universal Solidarity

All is connected. This concept, examined at length in Laudato Si, is critically important to Catholics and all people who seek to address the crises gripping our world without abandoning our humanity.

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?” 

Fiji: Yes to Laudato Si

Fiji: Yes to Laudato Si

Many times, a response to Pope Francis' Laudato Si comes in simple and direct ways. CM novice Marc Tapson of Fiji recounts one such response. During the month of June Sr Anna Wiwiek DC taught the novices of the Congregation of the Mission and Sisters of Our Lady of...

Laudato Si – Case study for Vincentians in Panama

Father  Gregory Gay forwarded this description from Joseph Fitzgerald, CM about how the new encyclical of Pope Francis  relates to the work of the Vincentians in Panama with indigenous people. ( Published in La Estrella de Panama, Saturday, June 27, 2015) "The Barro...

What does Laudato Si really say about the poor?

What does Laudato Si really say about the poor?

"Laudato Si" contains 61 instances where Pope Francis references people who are "poor". Here they are listed in the context of the paragraphs in which they appeared. Note: This is not meant as an outline of the Pope's thought but simply as a collection of his explicit...

Pope Francis – See, Judge, Act

Pope Francis – See, Judge, Act

Pope Francis - See, Judge, Act    A prominent theologian remarks on the structure of the encyclical Laudato Si of Pope Francis. He points to the See - Judge - Act methodology. The following highlights this methodology for the followers of St. Vincent de Paul and...

Praise Be || Laudato Si

Praise Be || Laudato Si

The long awaited papal encyclical on the interaction of humans and their environment was released today. It's prompting reflection and commentary everywhere. "This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and...