
Book Co-edited by FHA Coordinator Wins Award

The book Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics has been awarded the second place on 2020 Catholic Book Award in the Catholic Social Teaching category

The Paths To Homelessness

Do homeless people choose to be homeless? There are many valid reasons for choosing shelters and even the streets over home— if there is a home at all.

Is Amazon’s Huge Homeless Shelter Enough?

Why might Amazon’s model housing project not be enough?

Homelessness and COVID-19 in an International Context

This blog provides a snapshot of how different countries, systems and cultures are responding to the impact of COVID on homeless populations.

The Criminalization of Homelessness

The Criminalization of Homelessness

Imagine living in a place where it is illegal to sleep, sit, lie down, or share food outdoors. Imagine that this is a place where you are often ignored or rejected by your fellow townspeople, police officers, and local elected officials. While this seems like a ridiculous concept, it is the daily reality for millions of homeless people throughout the United States who are suffering under laws that criminalize their basic life necessities.