
Vincentian – There but for the grace of God…

I realized that the poor and those in need did not bring it on themselves in most cases, as people accuse them of. I also realized: “There but for the grace of God go I.”

Who are Vincentians?

“As a Vincentian, I am privileged to be called to serve those in poverty, inspired by the spirit of St. Vincent. ” So, who are the Vincentians? What are their characteristics?

How a Vincentian University molds social consciousness

How a Vincentian University molds social consciousness in the words ofa senior at St. John’s University (and she names names in the article )

A new face for FamVin! Fr. Aidan Rooney

A new face for FamVin! Fr. Aidan Rooney

Father Aidan Rooney, CM has been asked by the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission to further develop and implement the approved strategic plan and to succeed me as the coordinator of the FamVin Project.