
The Future of Charity – Vow Institute

Recently a group of "under 10's" were blessed to share a week with Fr. Pat Griffin, past Director General for the Daughters of Charity, focused on the theme “Follow Me: The Vows as Response to a Call.” Sr. Roberta Treppa, DC shares the following reflection from the...

60 Seconds with Sister Renée Rose

Renée Rose explains how joy revitalizes

Me? A Daughter of Charity?

“You want me to be one of them?”

The jar of costly anointment – A waste? A gift of all?

S. Tracy Kemme offers an inspiring reflection on the "alabaster jar of costly ointment" in the context of her upcoming profession of first vows as a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. Who was the woman who came to anoint Jesus. Where did she come from? Did she know...
Is there really a vocation shortage?

Is there really a vocation shortage?

Is there really a vocation shortage? Yes… and No. In once sense there can be no vocation shortage. Everyone has a vocation. However, there is a real shortage of one particular type of vocation – vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life