Rachel Maddow, Sr. Mary Peter Diaz, DC and the Koch brothers

To hear Rachel Maddow tell it, Daughter of Charity Sr. Mary Peter Diaz single-handedly took on the billionaire Koch brothers and publicly defeated the conservative activists who spend millions of dollars supporting their candidates and causes. Diaz, not surprisingly,...

VIncentian Family and new Interfaith Initiatives

Fr. Claudio will seek to raise consciousness in the Vincentian Family on practical ways of promoting interfaith dialogue by offering a Christian and Vincentian way to respond to current conflicts.

More changes to Vincentian Family Structure

More changes to Vincentian Family Structure with the addition of three more branches to the Executive Committee

Doing theology in a garbage dump

Doing theology in a garbage dump

Daniel Franklin E. Pilario, C.M. writes”…on weekends, I help my Vincentian confreres in their parish in Payatas, the biggest garbage dump in Manila. … I was invited there to help in giving pastoral care – celebrate Masses or bless the dead, give seminars, meet people. Later, I began to realize that it was not mainly I who was helping. It was in fact they who were helping me make sense of my theology. But that is going ahead of the story.”