Vincentian Family

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 11  They shall teach the little girls of the villages while they are there. They shall strive to train local girls to replace them at this task during their absence. They shall do all this for the love of God and without any remuneration (SWLM:729 [A.54])....

Vincentian Family Event at the UN to Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of our Charism

Vincentian Family event at the UN to celebrate the 400th anniversary of our Charism Triad of Grassroots Engagement, Systemic change and Advocacy in the Eradication of...

Raise Young Vincentians

Whenever we attend any Vincentian Family Gatherings, Matt and I always introduce our children (who are ages 3 and 1) as the littlest Vincentians of the Family. While we constantly have the “raise little Vincentians” voice in the backs of our heads, I wonder, do all...

North American Vincentian Family Gathering: Keynote Speakers and Workshop Announcements

The 2017 North American Vincentian Family Gathering (VFG) is a multi-day conference to build community, conversation, and systemic change around the realities of migration in North America. The Gathering will include the voices of immigrants and refugees, two keynote...

Charity Federation at the UN

From the NGO News of the Sisters of Charity Federation.... "The Commission on the Status of Women meeting took place in March, with Rosita and Jyoti, our interns from Nepal and India respectively, attending more than 30 side events. After the meeting, they left to...