Vincentian Family

Symposium 2017 • Testimonies from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and people involved in the earthquake in Italy

Antonio Gianfico, National President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, presented testimonies during the papal audience at the Symposium of the Vincentian Family, the 14th of October, the work of solidarity that the Vincentians had don in favor of those affected...

Vincent truly believed in partnership in the church

Vincent truly believed in partnership in the church and that is why he listened, learned and trusted the instincts and wisdom of Louise. Together they imagined and gave birth to a movement that has inspired us all.

Aida Baladi: testimony of a Vincentian at Symposium 2017

We invite you to reflect upon the witness of Aida Baladi, president of the Vincentian Marian Youth of Syria, during the audience with Pope Francis, at the recent Vincentian Family Symposium in Rome, on October 14th.   In the name of the Father, the Son and the...

McGreevy Presents Famvin Homeless Alliance to the Vincentian Family

During the audience with His Holiness, Pope Francis, on the 14th of October, the members of the Vincentian Family from all parts of the world were present at the launching of an initiative to combat homelessness. Mark McGreevy, Executive Director “Depaul...
Daily Vincentian Image Quotes

Daily Vincentian Image Quotes

The collection of Vincentian quotes with illustrations has been updated to reflect the daily additions. Click here to download a PDF file containing many quotes of St. Vincent with the source indicated (in format Volume:Page from Correspondence, Conferences,...

Formation Friday?

Formation Friday?

It has been approximately six months that FamVin has been presenting a weeklyFormation Friday feature drawn from the resources found on the VinFormation section of the website. This is the time to take stock and ask for as little as  30 seconds of your time...

Providence and Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Providence and Vincentian Lay Missionaries

Providence. It is the word I give when asked how I connected to Vincentian Lay Missionaries (VLM) and Marillac St. Vincent Family Services (MSVFS). This idea of providence—the protective care of God—was taught to me by the Daughters of Charity and Congregation of the Mission when I was a Gateway Vincentian Volunteer (now Vincentian Mission Corps) in St. Louis. It is a lesson I continue to carry with me today as I am called to live the mission of Marillac St. Vincent Family Services and Vincentian Lay Missionaries, in my professional work and in my life.

SVDP Disaster Fund needs help

SVDP Disaster Fund needs help

featured-image-generic-svdpThe St. Vincent de Paul Domestic Disaster Relief Fund needs help. The severe weather season is here! Mother Nature can strike at anytime, anywhere, in many different forms (tornadoes, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, etc.).