Vincentian Family

United Nations NGO Working Group to End Homelessness

United Nations NGO Working Group to End Homelessness An Initiative of the Coalition of Vincentian Family NGOs Despite its significant impact on both individuals and cities, street homelessness has been left behind in global debate. This issue is at the heart of...

Negotiations Towards Global Compact on Refugees Near Conclusion

"This not about sharing a burden. It is about sharing a global responsibility, based not only the broad idea of our common humanity but also on the very specific obligations of international law. The root problems are war and hatred, not people who flee; refugees are...

Internal Change

Each year, the Daughters of Charity at the UN welcome interns.  We were very happy this year to have with us Frank Morales-Hernandez, from St. John's University.  Frank has now graduated from St. John's and completed his internship.  The following is an insight into...

IX Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Sniatyn (Ukraine), on the 10th Anniversary of the Beatification of Sr. Marta Wiecka, DC

On May 26-27, 2018, the Vincentian Family in Ukraine made the ninth pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Sniatyn. In the cemetery of that town, the remains of Blessed Sister Marta Wiecka, Daughter of Charity, are venerated.