Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincentians from St. Louis, Missouri Share a Story (Video)

For reflection: Watch as St. Vincent de Paul society volunteers from St. Louis (Missouri, USA) form a friendship with someone in need of help.

Welcoming the Word of God and Preserving the Ardor of Charity

For us Vincentians, “welcoming the Word of God” is much more than simply reading biblical passages or the Sunday Gospel in the home of the assisted.

SSVP President General Takes up Suggestions Regarding the 2020 Circular Letter

The Circular Letter is a unique opportunity for the President General to directly address the worldwide membership. Suggestions can be submitted by email.

Taking Care of the Spirit and our Salvation

We take care of our physique, of our intellect, of our food, clothing, housing, employability; But do we take care of the spirit as we should?

Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Vinnies CEO Sleepout

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout will take place in Australia this Thursday, June 23 with over 1500 CEOs participating across 12 different cities. Over 100,000 people experience homelessness in Australia and the Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises funds that support homeless services...

Soup Van Man

Soup Van Man

"A little bit of help some way can go a long way." Watch the video below and meet Frank, the Soup Van Man, who has volunteered on the Soup Van for St. Vincent de Paul Society in Australia almost every Thursday for 40 years. [youtube...

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

A stranger is a friend who I have yet to meet

My brothers and sisters of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, it is with great pleasure that I have this opportunity to address you today on a special theme that we, as a Vincentian Family, hope to promote throughout the year 2017. As you all well know, we are celebrating, as of January 2017, the inspirational birth of the charism of the Vincentian Family.