
Lover of Sinners and Outcast

Jesus is a lover of those whom religion and society shun:  sinners, widows, orphans and strangers.  They are dear to true Christians too. It seems the leaving out of “vengeance,” when Jesus read Is 61, 1-2, did not bother his fellow Nazareth citizens.  For they still...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XVII

“…make up your mind to unite spiritual assistance to the corporal service you render.”

Pope Francis – Mothers Hold Things Together!

We hope that everything will be all right and then, like a bolt from the blue, an unexpected problem arises. Our expectations clash painfully with reality. 

Quick Quiz On Homelessness (Most Will Flunk)

Everything you thought you knew about the homeless population is wrong, at least if your source is the one most people cite- the media or your own personal experience.

Goodness That Matters and Is Decisive

Goodness That Matters and Is Decisive

Jesus himself is the goodness that those who are truly good store up in their hearts and from which they draw good things. Jesus teaches us that what we keep inside us plays a decisive role.  If goodness is what we have inside us, then good words and good deeds...