
The Vincentian Family in Cali (Colombia) Assist Homeless

In Cali there is a large presence of the Vincentian Family. The conditions of extreme poverty of much of the population are alarming.

Promotion of the Vincentian Charism in Panama

The joy of each one of the members of the Vincentian Family in Panama has been strengthened throughout the year 2019.

A New House for a Better Life in New Zealand

Terri and husband Tane immigrated to New Zealand from Kiribati islands in 2008 with their 2-year-old son. They initially lived with friends.

Diaries of a Vincentian: Migrant? Me? A Stark, Old and Current Reality in the World

My contact with so many cases and stories of migrants over the last two years has made me reflect deeply…

New leadership for LCWR

New leadership for LCWR - The nation’s largest group of religious sisters welcomed a new leader and said goodbye to another Friday. The NCR writes the following....The Leadership Conference of Women Religious held its transfer of leadership Friday afternoon,...

Pope Francis in his own words

Pope Francis in his own words

Vatican Insider ANDREA TORNIELLI offers this collection of Pope Francis words on the flight home speaking to journalists off the cuff for an hour despite his exhausting trip. See a collection of his other reports for La Stampa Abuse against minors “At the moment there...