
The FHA at the #Famvin2020Roma

The Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA) was present at the first meeting of all the Vincentian branches that took place in Rome.

Beneficiaries of Church Management Training in Kenya Ready to Roll Out Programs Locally

Vincentian family helps organize management training program in Kenya on effective and professional ways of managing parishes.

Meeting of the Leaders of the Vincentian Family, Rome 2020: January 12 #FamVin2020Roma

Last day of the meeting … time to bring together and summarize the wonderful contributions and everything that we have shared since January 8th. Sister Blandine Klien, SC was responsible for the wonderful summary of our discussions during the gathering … a summary of...

Meeting of the Leaders of the Vincentian Family, Rome 2020: January 11 #FamVin2020Roma

The day began with a panel discussion about the power of the Vincentian charism as revealed in various initiatives developed in distinct parts of the world.