
Corona Virus Impacts UN’s Commission on Status of Women

Due to uncertainties posed by the Corona Virus, the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women was scaled back to one day from nearly two weeks, with all NGO-related events cancelled.

27 Young Brothers of Charity (Novices) Receive the Habit in Nairobi

On Saturday, February 29, 2020, 27 young men received the habit as novices in the International Novitiate of the Brothers of Charity in Nairobi.

Extension of Time for Submission of Entries in the Vincentian Song Festival

The organizing commission of the Vincentian Song Festival has extended the time for the submission of song until July 31, 2020. We await your music!!!

Happy Women’s Day: Check out “Herstory” on .famvin

Click to read all articles tagged "herstory"here on .famvin!   Herstory[1.Jane Mills, "Womanwords: a dictionary of words about women", 1992, ISBN 0-02-921495-5, p. 118] : history (knowledge obtained by inquiry) written from a feminist perspective, emphasizing the...