
Vincentian Family Conference: October 9 & 10, 2020

Join those willing to rise up to meet the challenges of our times on Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10 for a free online conference!

Helping Our Neighbors in Thigio, Kenya: Doing What We Can, Where We Can

This time of Covid-19 has been a challenge for the world. In Thigio, we have not experienced positive cases yet, but we are taking precautions just as if there were cases near us.

Lebanese Missionary from the Congregation of the Mission Speaks after the Explosion

The Church in Lebanon has intensified its work since the moment of the tragic explosion.

“To be with God and with the People of God”: the mission of the newly ordained priests in the Province of Vietnam

The Vietnamese Province of the Congregation for the Mission continues to reap the fruits of its intense vocation ministry.

Keep Our Elections in Prayer

Keep Our Elections in Prayer

The Sisters of Charity Federation members committed themselves to joining in prayer and fasting for wisdom and discernment as the U.S. moves toward the national elections. They call everyone to join in prayer and fasting especially on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in...

Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Sometimes two goals can work hand in hand. Mixing educational experience with concrete and valuable service is a hallmark of the Niagara University experience. Niagara University and Hand in Hand for Haiti signed a formal agreement in September 2014 in which NU...