
The history of the Congregation of the Mission began on April 17, 399 years ago

The Congregation of the Mission, from a humble beginning in the de Gondi house, would expand to touch countless lives.

Schools Rally Support for Mission

Sister Rena expresses gratitude to these three schools for their dedication to enriching students’ lives and assisting the disadvantaged through EPDO.

MISEVI Extraordinary International Assembly: New wine, new wineskin

MISEVI recently held an international Extraordinary Assembly where 13 countries were represented by 50 people.

Can SSVP Thrift Stores Respond to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor?

In a modern-day clash between opulence and poverty, a dialogue is needed to truly understand how the charity retail sector, the SSVP Thrift Store in particular, can ameliorate the fast fashion business model.