
Exploring Laudato Si and Racism

Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.

Encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’: Summary and Commentary (Part 1)

Bro. René Stockman offers here a short summary of chapter 1 of the Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti,” followed by a more personal reflection.

A Wide-angle View – Vocations To the Charism

Fr. Mavric invites every member of the Vincentian Family to take one very concrete step; that is, every member is to bring one new candidate to one of the branches of the Vincentian Family.

Has a Cell Phone Become a Basic Need?

Has the cell phone become a basis need for us… and those experiencing homelessness?

Holiness Sets Us Free

Holiness Sets Us Free

This week Lynn L’Heureux reflects on the following: Holiness Sets Us Free - Why do I say “Blessings”? - Walk with God - Beacon of Light Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday February 2, 2016 Dear Vincentian Family:  Pray for each other and pray for peace. ...

Honoring our Prophets

Honoring our Prophets

Father Pat Griffin concludes his series, Considering Consecrated Life, with a final post  dedicated to Honoring our Prophets. This week, we come to the end of the Year of Consecrated Life, but its blessings continue.  Along that line, the scripture readings from this...

Vincent was not always a Saint

Vincent was not always a Saint

Vincent was not always a saint. What were the key formative events? Eamonn Flanagan, CM, from the Irish Province of the Congregation of the Mission, offered these reflections originally published in 1982 in "Colloque, Journal of the Irish Province of the Congregation...

Who is Family – Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

Who is Family – Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

“Who is Family?”     (Mk 3:31-5) To better digest this story about Jesus’ question, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” I ask you to try a little exercise in imagination. You’re at a family wedding, brothers and sisters, mother and father, cousins and children and...

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Prophet also means rejected

Jesus states he is a prophet with the same destiny as the other prophets rejected by their own people. He explains that he is God’s good and amazing Word to the poor. And right away he is revealed as a prophet. That is because, notwithstanding their initial expression...

Holiness Sets Us Free

Family and Service

I believe we have to try to put ourselves in the place of the family who has lost all, especially hope and we have to in some way bring them hope and love them as our brothers and sisters, our family.