
“Let us choose life; let us choose the future.”

“Let us choose life; let us choose the future.” Pope Francis’ plea to decision makers and participants at COP28 and to all of us has been resonating in my heart.

Leaving No One Behind: A Promise and a Challenge for our Age

How can we leave anyone behind? How can we turn our backs on those who need us most?

The Light That Beckons (Mt 2: 1-12)

Stories can bring delight. And if there ever was a story that has sparked delight among believers, it’s the one about those three travelers from the East…

Vincent As a Seeker

Some time ago, I offered a reflection on “The Magi School For Seekers.” It was based on a homily Pope Francis gave, presenting the Magi as showing the path for modern-day “seekers.”

God-with-us in Our Joys and Our Griefs

God-with-us in Our Joys and Our Griefs

Jesus, God-with-us, is the first of the brothers and sisters who rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. There is a report that fewer folks in the U.S. believe in God and, one can guess, in God-with-us. For the number of believers in the U.S. is...

Trials of Life

Trials of Life

There is an interesting conversation between St. Vincent and St. Louise which I read many years back in a book about St. Vincent. The topic of conversation was,” why God allows sufferings in our life?”. Vincent tells to Louise, that “God can be compared to a sculptor...

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