
Firewood for the Soul: Around the Same Table

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Simplicity and Cordiality • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

[The conferences] are blooming in Livorno and in Pisa, they begin to prosper in Florence, in Pontadera, they settle in Prato, and soon in Volterra and in Porto Ferraio. Very soon there will be seven families of Saint Vincent de Paul in this Tuscan country in which...

The Pope Video • For Pilgrims of Hope

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Pilgrims of Hope

Advent from a Vincentian Perspective, Part 3: The Call to Service: Active Charity during Advent

Advent is a season of waiting and anticipation, a time of preparation for the coming of Christ. Yet, this waiting is not passive— it invites us to active participation in the unfolding of God’s love in the world.

Fears the Sent Ones Must Overcome

Fears the Sent Ones Must Overcome

Jesus comes to his own people and they persecute him. This will also be the fate of his disciples. They waver due to their fears.  Jesus senses the fears that his apostles harbor. These are the twelve disciples he sends to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And...

Impact of Every Day Choices

Impact of Every Day Choices

Fulton J. Sheen in his Autobiography, Treasure in Clay Jars, shares an experience which tells us the significance of the decisions and choices which we make in our every day life. "A boy was kicked out of school by the pastor and mother superior. Fulton J. Sheen took...