
Contemplation: The Way to Peace

This post originally appeared on Our little human minds and hearts can sometimes become so bound up in worry and anxiety that we find it difficult to act, difficult even to know what actions to take. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and then...

Attend to Others according to Their Needs

Jesus is David’s just shoot and his name is “The-Lord-our-justice.”  As King and Messiah, then, he cannot but attend to all the people with justice and mercy.  Through him, we can go near the Father in one Spirit. To attend to his sent ones who now come back from...

Firewood for the Soul: Ecosystem of Faith

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Protecting the Children • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

One is terrified, and rightly, by that multitude of children growing up for disorder and for crime, with no other education than the examples of the theatre and the temptations of the public square. It is not well known that in district 12, four thousand boys and...
Live Forever in Union with Jesus

Adore the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus shows us how to adore the Father in Spirit and truth. To learn from him, then, means to keep the true religion.  At Sinai, God tells the Israelites that they are not to adore other gods. Yet they later adore a molten calf. And they hail it as Israel’s god that...