
Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent VII

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “You see, Sisters, even though we don’t see God, faith teaches us that His holy presence is everywhere…”

Called to Ecological Conversion

One of the themes threaded throughout Laudato Si’ is the need for an ecological conversion.

Can You Put Yourself In This Picture?

I am not an Ethiopian at the beginning of a thousand-mile journey. Actually, I am on a lifelong journey of trying to “put on the mind of Christ,” to see things as Jesus, the stranger in my life, sees them.

A Canadian View: Diversity is a Fact….Inclusion is an Act

As a Canadian, I know for myself and perhaps others, we tend to think systemic racism only exists in other countries but if we look at it from within our borders, we can see it exists here too.

To Be A Gospel Sign

To Be A Gospel Sign

To Be A Gospel Sign (John 6:30) In John’s gospel, the crowd in Capernaum asks Jesus, “What sign can you do for us?” To catch the full meaning here, it’s important to know John’s special use of the word ‘sign.’ He doesn’t mean it in the ordinary sense of one thing that...

Image of the Invisible and Inaccessible God

Image of the Invisible and Inaccessible God

Jesus is the very imprint of the being of God. He shows by words and deeds what it means to mirror faithfully the God who created us in his image. No one has ever seen God.  Nor can we go near the light where he dwells.  But this invisible and unapproachable King of...

Are We Loved Enough?

Are We Loved Enough?

Will we stand alone, or will we stand with others, being a part of what is good in them, being more together than ever we could be alone? Our sisters and brothers in the body of Christ touch us, change us, soften us, and call us forward with their love.