
Writing Straight With Crooked Lines

Vincent and Louise were at best an improbable couple. We are blessed to know the outcomes of the 35-year intersection of these two lives.

Everyday Legal Issues Homeless People Face

Every day, throughout the day, the homeless have to worry about the law. Being without a home is not in itself illegal, but the routines and behavior that go with it often are.

The Body and Blood of Christ (Exodus 24:3-8;  Mk 14:22-26)

There are actions that in their very enactment communicate more depth and meaning than the words that surround them.

Do We Understand “Body of Christ”?

Do we understand “Body of Christ”? If we do would it challenge our way of thinking and the systems we live with?

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Father McGeough agreed, saying that, “I’ve been a priest for 40 years, and I’ve never been thanked so much for just showing up. You will get a lot of gratitude in this ministry.” AT an informational meeting in the Diocese of Trenton (New Jersey, USA) pastoral center,...

On Not Shutting Down

On Not Shutting Down

I know two young men who were given a set of CD’s of the greats in classical music. Neither of them ever listened to nor had any appreciation for this kind of track. The one said, “This stuff is boring and even hard on my ears. I’ll humor my uncle who gave them to me,...

On Not Shutting Down

Living in a Time of Extremes

To us who live in a time when extremes on the left and right of the spectrum seem glaring, St. Paul comes with this counsel for keeping on course. “Do not conform yourselves to this age. But be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” To paraphrase him, “There are...