
Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent XIV

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “Make good use of the free time you have after caring for the sick. Never be idle…”

Imagine Saying This Today!

What is most important to you – your nation, culture, class, race, gender — or first and foremost being in God and a new and international community of God’s people?

Call to Action to Address Systemic Racism

We are a group of Vincentian Family social justice advocates from Canada and the United States collaborating together to hear and respond to the cries of our Common Home, Earth, and her peoples. We especially choose to address systemic racism and our complicity in it.

Are the homeless to blame for their homelessness?

We must debunk the myths around why people become homeless so we can move toward solutions. Most never stop to put themselves in the shoes of the people they see suffering from homelessness.

A one person collaborative effort?

A one person collaborative effort?

Mark McGreevey’s in combatting homelessness are successful because the many people he’s recruited to work with him from all walks of life in seven countries, and soon many more. He’s also successful, because he successfully roped the Daughters of Charity, a few of us priests and brothers and tons of lay Vincentians to join him.

Living Fully

Living Fully

A Tribute to the “Pioneers” – Dan Paulus and Amy Rupiper Taggart As I sit here and write this, I look out my window on this sunny day appreciating all of God’s wonders. It is a quiet day for me. I have the day off of work and my children are at school. I have the...

Fruits of the Earth

Fruits of the Earth

Lettuce, peas, green beans, kale (…so much kale), parsley, carrots, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, struggling eggplants, spiders, weeds, bees, killdeer bird eggs, and butterflies — all of these find a home in my 10×10 community garden plot. Although I watched my mother...

A Vincentian View: Homelessness

A Vincentian View: Homelessness

A Vincentian View: Homelessness Once every two years, St. John’s runs a “Poverty Conference.”  This conference invites a discussion on an important situation in our society which impacts upon those who are poor and marginalized.  In the past few years, issues like...

Symposium 2017 • Testimonies from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and people involved in the earthquake in Italy

Symposium 2017 • Testimonies from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and people involved in the earthquake in Italy

Antonio Gianfico, National President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, presented testimonies during the papal audience at the Symposium of the Vincentian Family, the 14th of October, the work of solidarity that the Vincentians had don in favor of those affected...