
Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History IV

“To do this is to preach the Gospel by words and by works…”

Vincentians as Promoters of Employment

Blessed Frederic Ozanam pronounced his well-known sentence: “The order of society rests on two truths: justice and charity.” Undoubtedly, promoting decent work is a duty of justice and charity.

Are You a Cafeteria Catholic?

Over the decades I have noticed that the connotation of “Cafeteria Catholic“ varies according to who is doing the calling and what the issue is.

Your choice! – “Bridge” or “soft incarceration”?

I have read about the need for shelters and rapid rehousing. But Robert Davis, writing for Invisible People, captured an insight in two metaphors – “Bridge” and “soft incarceration.”

Create Your Charism #IamVincent

Create Your Charism #IamVincent

When I was young, I spent many weekends attending Sunday school. I learned the biblical stories of the Old Testament- Kind David, Solomon, Joseph. What I imagined as the ideal ‘perfect Christian’ emerged in my mind- someone of faith, good deeds, and someone who puts...

Why This Suffering?

Why This Suffering?

Why This Suffering? (Job 7) If you were charged with collecting a series of writings aimed to persuade people that God is overflowingly good and ever desirous for the good of His people, would you have included the Book of Job? We look in on the main character, this...