
The Visitation as “Paying it forward”

In her visitation journey to Elizabeth, Mary was simply “paying her gift forward” by offering her elderly cousin much welcomed assistance.

Manifestations, Revelations, Apparitions

Jesus is the best and the fullest of God’s manifestations to us humans.  It is enough to see and know him to see and know God. The word “epiphany” comes Greek and means “manifestation,” “revelation,” “apparition.”  And there are manifestations and manifestations. ...

Three Epiphany Words (Mt 2:1-12; Is 60:1-6)

This thread of “Stop, Look and Go” winds through the words and actions of this Feast of Epiphany.

From Christ’s Mass to Merry Christmas… and Back

A visitor from outer space might be forgiven for not seeing the connection between what happened 2000 years ago and the last week of December each year.

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Jesus, though without sin, embodies what it means to repent.  He calls us to preach repentance and become the visible and effective sign of what we preach. Jesus begins his public ministry, proclaiming:  “The kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe in the...

Parish Becomes Intercultural

Parish Becomes Intercultural

4,800 miles. That's how far our Guatemalan parishioners traveled from their villages to get to Cincinnati. Each of those miles meant stepping further away from their families and homeland, and closer to an uncertain future in a strange country. And yet they kept...