
We Are One 

Participation of the missionaries in the condition of the poor, so that we not only attend their evangelization, but that we ourselves are evangelized by them.

“Youth and Life” Home in Cuautla de Morelos (Mexico)

“Youth and Life” is a civil association founded in 2002 by Father Miguel Blázquez Avix, CM  dedicated to protecting at risk children by providing them with a home.

The Pope Video • An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle.

Which Labor Day Are You Celebrating?

Is Labor Day the last hurrah of summer? The weekend to catch supposedly fantastic sales? A recognition of the dignity of work? It is all that and more!

VLM/VMC Impact: Hardly a Day Goes By…

VLM/VMC Impact: Hardly a Day Goes By…

We will be sharing a series of reflections made by Vincentian Lay Missionaries and Vincentian Mission Corps participants about their experience serving, how it has impacted their lives and how they continue to live the Vincentian Charism today.  Hardly a day goes...

Hearing The Voice (John 10:1-10)

Following Behind “The Story”

Following Behind “The Story” Especially in this age of Facebook and Instagram has the power of story come to the fore. That is, increasingly so, the narrative much more than the bullet-pointed outline is what does the most effective job of getting through to hearts...

Unexpected and Glorious Outcome

Unexpected and Glorious Outcome

God does not leave Jesus among the dead.  Nor does he let the one faithful to him till death know decay.  This is wonderful in our eyes, unexpected. Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb and runs into something unexpected.  That is because she sees the tomb open. ...

Jesus’ Triumphal Journey

Jesus’ Triumphal Journey

We have entered into the Holy week by remembering Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem. In the synoptic gospels, Jesus’ life and ministry is presented as a journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. On his way to Jerusalem he calls some to leave everything and follow him, some...