
Is It Enough? (John 6:1-15)

A commentator on these readings posed a beguiling question: “how much is enough?” 

What the Pope Said About Old Age

In my 80+ years I had never thought of old age itself as a ministry. He hoped we can revitalize the ministry of waiting for the Lord.

Contemplation: One Who Lives Differently

This post originally appeared on Serviens in spe, reads the Society’s motto, Serving in Hope. Hope can be a powerful feeling, a state of mind that keeps us going through great difficulties. It is a light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining behind...

Bread from Heaven for Weak Wayfarers

Jesus is the true bread from heaven that the Father gives us.  To eat this bread means to gain strength and to live forever.

Catch the Good News of Jesus Christ

Catch the Good News of Jesus Christ

The one who has risen is the same Jesus of Nazareth that the disciples have known, loved and followed on the roads of Galilee.  To be his witness means to see to it that other folks catch the Good News.  Those who make up a group can easily catch each other’s fears or...