
Advent 2021 – Waiting In Hope

Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

The Pope Video • Catechists

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Catechists.

I Predict the Synod will…

The Church has begun a three-year process focused on not only truly listening to each other.

A Canadian View: Inter-Generational Trauma, Poverty & Racism, Part Two

I would like to examine the relationship between trauma, poverty and (systemic) racism over my next three articles. Part Two discusses poverty.



Testifying (Luke 9:1-2) Reading Luke’s account of the disciples being sent out, I put myself in the shoes of one of those 70 individuals directed to go forth and proclaim the Good News that in Jesus, God’s forgiving compassion is drawing near. How would I feel...

Surrender Freely, Joyfully, Holding Back Nothing

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Jesus teaches that the first and the greatest of all the commandments is to love God and the neighbor.  The Teacher practices, moreover, what he teaches. According to Jewish teaching, there are 613 commandments.  Of these, 365 are prohibitions and 248 are positive...

There is a Dream in You

There is a Dream in You

"Saint Vincent received the vocation to go forth as a gift." This sentence from Fr. Luigi Mezzadri’s article has echoed in my mind from the moment I read it. The vocation to go forth is a sign left by Saint Vincent de Paul, both in the sense of always advancing from...