
Could Teleportation Aid Bible Reading?

I sometimes wish I could be teleported back to the days of the early church and experience Jesus as they did.

A Poverty of Empathy

For years now I have fully appreciated the thought behind celebrating Black History Month.  At least that was until I saw…

One More (Luke 5:1-11)

I can imagine Peter’s consternation when Jesus challenges him to head out one more time. Likely shaking his head, Peter nonetheless gives his “ok, one more!” 

Star Wars and the Gospel of Luke

How many of us are aware of the problem Luke was addressing with his gospel?

Freely You Receive, Freely Give Also

Dignity and Responsibility of Women

The new that God is doing springs forth now in Jesus.  Those with chauvinist mentality do not see this newness that acknowledges the dignity and responsibility of women (Benedict XVI). Joseph finds out that Mary is carrying in her womb a child that is not his.  But...