

I had the distinct honor and privilege to be at a meeting of MISEVI International at the Motherhouse in Paris in early February.

Lenten Video Series, Day 4: Called to Give

When fully practicing our faith, there are no half-measures. Phil Tran explains that we can only truly understand joy through sacrifice and unity with Christ.

Lenten Video Series, Day 3: A New Foundation

For Kasey Brown, the concept of “giving something up” for Lent went from being a casual observation of tradition to a life-changing spiritual rebirth that strengthened the foundation of her love for God.

Please Don’t Feed the Trolls

In the language of the internet, a troll is a person who makes inflammatory, insincere, or otherwise off-topic comments in a social setting.

Memory of Jesus Christ’s Inventive Love

Memory of Jesus Christ’s Inventive Love

Jesus gave himself up for us.  Because we break the bread and bless the cup, we keep alive the memory of his love to the end. The memory of Jesus surely comforted St. Vincent de Paul.  That was why he was able to comfort others.  He comforted, for instance, a dying...