
Who is My Neighbor the Day After Election Day?

Recently I reread John Allen’s reflection in Crux about an opportunity and a challenge for Catholics to play a major role in healing our deeply divided nation.

Sun of Justice That Saves and Heals

Jesus is the sun of justice that enlightens us who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. The Ukrainians suffer very much due to the war.  And life will be harder still for millions.  For they are plunged into the cold and the dark; thanks to the sun for heat and...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Contemporary Art 2

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of St. Vincent de Paul as portrayed by a contemporary artist.

Marks on All of Our Hearts

In August, the traditional weekly suburban children’s camp was held in Stara Boleslav in the Czech Republic.

Equal Treatment of Everyone in Need

Equal Treatment of Everyone in Need

Jesus is the one who reveals God.  This God is good to all and makes equal those who do little to those who do much. The God that Jesus reveals is very good.  Equal to the landowner who goes out five times to hire workers, God gives livelihood to those who need it....