
A Canadian View: Reflections

One definition of the word reflection is “an image as seen in a mirror.” In addition, we often use this term to reflect on a prayer or other topical subject.

“Our Planet is Still in the Emergency Room“

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish.” It is either a Climate Solidarity Pact – or a Collective Suicide Pact.”

Hope in the Darkness | Week One

An Advent Journey with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton | A Five-Part Series. Week One: Hope in the Darkness.

Advent Receptivity (Matthew 3:1-12)

One way to hear the Advent Gospel message is to put ourselves in the shoes of all those people walking out to that desert to listen to John the Baptist.

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Jesus Christ will come at an hour that we do not expect.  That is why we must be ready and be among the bright, not among the dull. Four Sundays ago, we heard that among God’s guests were bad and good folks.  Today we hear that the bright and the dull make up those...