
The Vincentian Family: A Fruitful and Flourishing Tree

The Vincentian Family could be compared with a lush and youthful tree laden with fruit and adorned with flowers.

The Virtue of Holy Indifference

In Christian spiritual tradition, the state of perfect acceptance of the will of God by an entire resignation is called as the virtue of holy indifference. It is not a virtue among many other virtues, but it is a state of virtuous life. There is a famous philosophical...

Merciful Commitment • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"So then, if there are any among us who think they’re in the Mission to evangelize poor people but not to alleviate their sufferings, to take care of their spiritual needs but not their temporal ones, I reply that we have to help them and have them assisted in every...

Are We a “Listening” Community?

I suspect we have all heard stories about or even lived with someone who was “hard of hearing.”

Throne of Grace, Goodness and Mercy

Throne of Grace, Goodness and Mercy

Jesus endured the cross and now sits at the right of the throne of God.  We will reign with him if we persevere with him in suffering and service. Even the disciples obsess about becoming great; they argue about who is the greatest.  And to preempt all discussion and...