
Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 7

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Grounded in Space

In 1969, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States commissioned a space flight during which Rusty Schweickart left the command module to actually walk in space.

Divine Providence

The basis for our hope is the Risen Lord who is with us. We need to have this strong faith and trust in Him.

Remember Saying, “Are We There Yet”?

Even those of us in advanced age remember the excitement and impatience. Four words – “Are we there yet” – captured our anticipation, excitement, and impatience.

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Jesus is King David’s just shoot.  He comes to make the earth brim with justice.  How he wishes that we get the name “Lord-Our-Justice.” Monsieur Jean Gicquel, —he means well, though he picks the wrong time—, cannot but brim with zeal to help Monsieur Vincent.  The...

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Jesus is the King that God has raised.  Hence, his kingdom is not from this world of lies.  And he expects his disciples to be kingly witnesses to the truth as he. Jesus says before Pilate that he is King.  But he makes clear his kingdom is not of this world.  It is...