
Knowing How To Ask In Order To Learn How To Give • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"Savior of our souls, these are Your teachings we are embracing, and the devil is trying to make us abandon them. My Savior, it's to Your advantage for us to be the victors, since we are fighting against Your enemy. Come to our aid. We protest that we'll take up arms...

Street-level Encounters – a Parable

Do we look people in the eye? We certainly look some people in the eye… especially when we are in a loving relationship with them.

A Vincentian View: Saints and Souls

Each of the days that introduce the month of November—All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day—brings a different word to my mind. 

Changing Our Clocks, Fast-forwards and Do-overs

Changing Clocks! It is a semi-annual ritual in many parts of the world. I suspect most of us sleep through it.

Bless, Break, Share, and Serve

Bless, Break, Share, and Serve

Christ shares his blood with us as we bless with him the cup of thanksgiving.  And he shares his body as we break the bread. Nowadays, we voice out not so noble feelings; we rant.  We are more ready to curse than to bless, to tell others to their faces their faults,...