
Deeds, Indeed, and Not Just Words

Jesus embodies the truth that good deeds are love and not good words and reasons.  Do we really live up to this truth? We are often encouraged to love God (SV.EN XI:32).  “But let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.”  That is to say, love...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Leave Everything To Serve

Let’s leave everything to serve God and our neighbor. St. Vincent de Paul

AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 2: Charity

Today we are happy to send you three video reflections on the Vincentian virtue of Charity.

Laudato Si and the Indigenous Worldview

Pope Francis is one of many strong voices beginning to unite with Indigenous voices in speaking out for the care of the environment.

Bridge, not roadblock

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), October 25, 2015 – Jer 31, 7-9; Heb 5, 1-6; Mk 10, 46-52 You are a priest forever (Heb 5, 6) Jesus is our High Priest, the only Supreme Pontiff really, the bridge-builder that gives us human beings access to God. Tested in every...

Preparing to serve others at Christmas

Preparing to serve others at Christmas

Too early? Not really if you are planning to serve others. William Graham offers his thoughts on what it takes preparing to serve others at Christmas time. He writes of “Christmas that magical time” and what the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is already doing to make...