
Vincentian Prayer Images: Vincent Involved Everyone

One of the forgotten truths about Vincent is that he never allowed himself to be trapped in ministerial silos. Rather, he was skilled in engaging a wide spectrum of people.

“Let Us Dedicate Ourselves to the Poor”

You can find great texts in the early Bulletins of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which are still fully relevant today.

To Love Another Person Is To See the Face of God (Part IV)

This is the last segment devoted to this theme. In the last installment I told a story in which I attempted to communicate some of the presuppositions that can prevent one from actually loving another person. (Part IV)

January 25th, a Pivotal Date for the Vincentian Family and the Congregation of the Mission

On January 25th, the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, we celebrate the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission.

Troubled unto a troubling death

Troubled unto a troubling death

Human misery leaves Jesus troubled, and he seeks that other people’s miseries leave us likewise troubled. The disciples and a large crowd accompany Jesus to Nain.  A large crowd from Nain is with a widow at her only son’s funeral procession.  The stage is set for a...

Listen to your heart

Listen to your heart

Listen to Your Heart - Apostles’ Creed Today - Vincentians Serving in Faith – Called to Serve in Joy Listen to Your Heart - When you listen to your heart chances are God has a message for you.  Talking to God, answers are in your heart.  Lord, open my mind that I may...