
Know Someone Facing Eviction?

Make sure you are educated in your rights and stay vigilant. Many landlords do not expect their tenants to understand eviction proceedings and try to take advantage of them.

Sustainable Development Goals, 5 and 6

SDG5: GENDER EQUALITY In one of their songs, the Eagles rock group sings “things in this life change very slowly if they ever change at all.” The lament of many a social activist! To be fair, one exception would be gay marriage rights, which seem to have come more...

Living “As If”(Acts 4: Jn 20)  

Where are the assurances that these claims about Jesus rising to new life have any substance?

Acts of the Apostles, Systemic Change and Polarization

Over the next several weeks the liturgy, drawing from the Acts of the Apostles, presents selected stories of ordinary people who coped with severe polarization some 2,000 years ago.

November 23: Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M.

November 23: Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M.

November 23 marks the death (in 1933) of Fr. Thomas Augustine Judge C.M. of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission. Father Judge believed in the capacity of ordinary men and women to love and serve God in the ordinary circumstances of their lives.

From Value to Virtue: Humility

From Value to Virtue: Humility

To say #IamVincent means to live a life of virtue. Actually, it means to live a life of five essential virtues. The second is Humility: the virtue of nearness. In view of our desire to promote love and respect toward the poor, the Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de...

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: “Remembering” “God gave us memories so that we could have roses in December.” (J. M. Barrie) That line still sticks in my mind from high school because it flows out of my sentimental heart.  It reminds me of the importance of memories and their...