
Sustainable Development Goal 13

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

A Vincentian View: The Sleeping Jesus

All of us have probably seen a representation of that statue that sits on the desk of Pope Francis—the sleeping Joseph. 

Which Story Interests You Most?

Whose story are you most aware of? Can you recognize the interconnection of all stories? Do Vincentians have a special vocation as storytellers?

Person of Jesus More than Proposition

Jesus takes away our diseases and bears our illnesses (Mt 8, 17; Is 53, 4).  Hence, for the disciple, to live a life of faith is to be the mercy of the Teacher in person. Jairus falls at Jesus’ feet and pleads that he goes with him.  For his little daughter is dying...
The Defining Backdrop

The Defining Backdrop

The Defining Backdrop (Gen. 17:5-9; Jn. 17) In the middle of Genesis, we come across the classic phrasing of a central theme running all through both Testaments of the bible, the Covenant. After telling Abraham He will make him the father of nations, Yahweh says, “I...

Night of Peace, Mission, Faith and Clearness

Dawn Means Love and Return to the Source

The risen Jesus is the dawn from on high.  When we love him and keep his word, our darkness fades. Mary Magdalen visits the tomb at dawn.  Seeing the tomb open, she worries just as the religious leaders do.  It worries them that someone may steal the body of Jesus....

Becoming a Unicorn in Lent

Becoming a Unicorn in Lent

Change. A word that we throw around a lot. To make or become different. An act or process through which something becomes different. In the startup tech space that I work in now, change is often viewed as something highly desired. In fact, everyone is looking for that...