
Is “OUR Father” a Challenging Prayer?

Is “Our Father” a Challenging Prayer? It was for the early Church. Pope Francis thinks it is a challenge for today. Let’s listen to voices we don’t normally listen to.

Why Does She Stay?

“Why does she stay?” It’s a simple question. The answer is not. Bottom line… If a victim must choose between abuse in their home or the high risk of abuse on the street, it’s a stretch to think they are better off on the street.

Serving migrant families

Chris Kunze, SCN, shares her experiences with the Casa Alitas Program in Arizona.

A Vincentian View: Filled with Compassion

One can hardly imagine that Jesus could use the term “father” without some reflection on the one who had been his earthly father for most of his life, Joseph.

A Story of Organic Leadership

A Story of Organic Leadership

What do you see as the qualities of good leaders? Integrity and honesty - never compromise these. They have a passion for success, wanting to be competitive and come out on top. They have compassion for their people, getting to know them and their families. Great...