
The Pope Video • People Who Suffer From Depression

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: People Who Suffer From Depression.

Congregation of the Holy Faith Sisters in Ireland

Learn about the Holy Faith Sisters in this video produced by Vincentian Family Ireland.

Do You Ignore “Nudges”?

A big storm approaches. The weatherman urges everyone to get to higher ground. In his rectory, a priest says, “I won’t worry, God will save me.”

A Canadian View: A Time for Change

As we see the changes nature provides to us, perhaps all Vincentians can take this time to examine how we might be open to some personal and organizational changes.

A Vincentian View: Being Vincent de Paul

A Vincentian View: Keeping in the Heart

Vincentian View: Keeping in the Heart Some of my friends can be categorized as falling into one of two groups.  In one are those people who keep everything and who are not particularly concerned with organization.  Their desks are piled high with books and magazines...

Authentic Face of God and Religion

Authentic Face of God and Religion

Jesus reveals the invisible God.  Jesus’ true brothers and sisters, then, cannot but reveal the authentic face of God and religion. The Only-Begotten Son is the exact image of the invisible God who dwells in unapproachable light.  He lives eternally and intimately...



Sharon Browning writes in her blog about something that we as Vincentians have a great concern for…the Vulnerable: We Americans recently learned that our government has banned the use of 7 words and phrases in budget documents being prepared by at least one agency...