
I Predict the Synod will…

The Church has begun a three-year process focused on not only truly listening to each other.

A Canadian View: Inter-Generational Trauma, Poverty & Racism, Part Two

I would like to examine the relationship between trauma, poverty and (systemic) racism over my next three articles. Part Two discusses poverty.

Intertwining Worlds (John 18: 33-37)

More than most any other, the feast of Christ the King immerses us in this swirling dilemma of negotiating worlds.

Pope Francis – The Poor Are True Evangelizers

Sometimes we wish we were among those who walked with Jesus 2000 years ago. Pope Francis boldly says… even today we do walk with them.

Help Change our Perspective on Poverty

Help Change our Perspective on Poverty

In this short video, the actor, director and professor Clarence Gilyard Jr, responsible for the Festival and contest "Finding Vince 400," invites us to participate in it, with a powerful reflection on poverty in the world:

Create Your Charism #IamVincent

Create Your Charism #IamVincent

When I was young, I spent many weekends attending Sunday school. I learned the biblical stories of the Old Testament- Kind David, Solomon, Joseph. What I imagined as the ideal ‘perfect Christian’ emerged in my mind- someone of faith, good deeds, and someone who puts...

Why This Suffering?

Why This Suffering?

Why This Suffering? (Job 7) If you were charged with collecting a series of writings aimed to persuade people that God is overflowingly good and ever desirous for the good of His people, would you have included the Book of Job? We look in on the main character, this...