
A Vincentian View: The Holy Name of Jesus

From the earliest days of my Catholic education, the good School Sisters of Notre Dame taught my young schoolmates and me to bow our heads when we said the name “Jesus.” 

Whatever Became of Sin… and Compassion?

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.”

Rejoice in the Lord, for He is Near

Jesus is near.  He will rule the world and all peoples with justice.  Hence, those who wait for him, and seek his kingdom, rejoice. The prophet Zephaniah bids those whom God has chosen to rejoice and sing with joy.  For the Lord who fights for them and frees them is...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History X

Vincent was convinced that the poor exist because society is badly organized and the wealth badly distributed.

Love and Compassion

Love and Compassion

I recently read a quote that struck me, “Love is choosing to serve someone and be with someone in spite of there [imperfections]. ” My time at Epiphany has been both challenging and rewarding; each day I am reminded of the power and beauty of love and compassion. The...

Believe in the Crucified Jesus, by Loving as He Does

Temple Means Basically “God-With-Us”

Jesus is the only temple that matters.  He is “God-with-us,” the fullest presence of God among human beings. Jesus feels outrage when he finds in the temple area sellers of animals and money-changers.  They probably think they foster worship of God.  But Jesus...

Driven to Disruption

Driven to Disruption

Driven to Disruption (Mark 1:12-15) If you asked ten people what contact with God is supposed to bring I suspect at least seven would list things like peace, joy, calm, well-being, reassurance. But there's a theme running through Lent which moves in another direction...