
Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 2

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork by members of the Vincentian Family.

Louise de Marillac and the Confraternities of Charity

In May 1629, Louise de Marillac was invited by Vincent de Paul to assist in his ministries. He entrusted to her the task of revitalizing and reorganizing the Confraternities of Charity, the first Ladies of Charity.

Renewal for Our Call to Misison

On Saturday, April 15, 2023, MISEVI in Latin America joined together with German Sanchez, newly elected leader of FAVILA, to hear inspirational thoughts concerning the call to be lay missionaries. 

Wise Stewards of the Earth and of the Poor

Pope Francis began his first Encyclical by stating “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Sinore” -  “Praise be to you, my Lord.” This was taken from the Canticle of St. Francis Assisi, in which he compared the world as a common home, where the Mother Earth sustains and governs us with...
Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Jesus opens our ears and makes loose the strings of our tongues.  He enables us to make gestures that heal and speak words that proclaim God’s kingdom. Amazing magic for the sake of a deaf and mute in a place where pagans live?  If this is what Jesus’ gestures make us...