
July 9: St. Francis Regis Clet, C.M.

The author Thomas Davitt, C.M. suggests that although biographers and illustrators have tended to place all the emphasis on his martyrdom, Francis Clet was, before anything else, a confrere.

What Bricklayers can teach us about work… and following Christ

I have learned a lot from bricklayers about the meaning of work! And continue to learn … even about being a follower of Christ.

Paradoxes: Signs of the New Creation

Jesus brings in the new creation. The paradoxes that he lives and teaches let us know what the new creation means. Jesus uses hard sayings and paradoxes to announce the Good News.  And there are, in today’s gospel, examples of these hard sayings and paradoxes. For...

Frederic Laporte, the Grandson That Frederic Ozanam Did Not Get To Know

According to the chronicles, the grandson was very much like his grandfather Frederic Ozanam.

Fishers of Men and Women, Sinners All

Fishers of Men and Women, Sinners All

Jesus is the leading fisher of men and women.  Those he calls are also, though sinners, to be fishers of other sinners. Jesus tells Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”  And Simon answers, “Teacher, we have worked hard all night and have...