
Does Everybody Want to Change Your Thinking?

Sometimes it seems that everybody wants to change our way of thinking. That has probably always been true. But it certainly feels truer now in our polarized lives.

Daughters of Charity Raise their Voices for Critical Nutrition Programs

While many in the U.S. think of August as the last breath of summer, a time to squeeze in a last bit of relaxation before the rush of the fall begins, the Daughters of Charity were doing anything but relaxing this past August.

A Polycrisis Within a Polycrisis

There has been remarkable activity at the UN this fall.

A Vincentian View: In the Beginning

It requires little effort to multiply the reminders that this is God’s world and given to us as a gift and a responsibility. 

Save What Is Lost, This Is What It Is About

Save What Is Lost, This Is What It Is About

Jesus, the Son of Man, has come to seek and to save what is lost.  No, there are no lost cases for him. St. Luke tells us that Zacchaeus is a chief publican and a wealthy man.  This means that, in the eyes of others, no one can save him. For he is a publican, that is...

Fidelity to the Charism of Vincent

Fidelity to the Charism of Vincent

The source article for this presentation was “Fidelity to the Constitutions,” by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell, C.M., written to the priests of the Congregation of the Mission. The text of this version is slightly modified to apply to anyone who seeks to follow in the footsteps...