
A Vincentian Minute: Incarnation 01

Fr. Rooney speaks about the Incarnation in Vincentian Spirituality. This week: human suffering as sacramental.

Servants of the Poor • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"Mon Dieu! What a lovely title and what a beautiful designation! What have you done for God to deserve it? Servants of the Poor is the same as saying Servants of Jesus Christ, since He regards what is done to them as done to himself, for they are His members. And what...

Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: The Travels of Frederic

The first time Frederic Ozanam ever traveled on his own, from Lyon to Paris, was November 2, 1831; he was about to start his studies at the Faculty of Law. He departed in a horse-drawn stagecoach to cover the 292 miles. It took three days and three nights to arrive in...

The Immaculate Conception: Vincentian Perspectives

The presence of Mary is abundant, clear and solid in the experience of St. Louise and St. Vincent.

Tempt Someone Is Not What God Does

Tempt Someone Is Not What God Does

Jesus let the devil tempt him just as we are tempted, though he did not sin.  Hence, he can feel for us who are weak, and lift us up. James makes clear that God does not tempt us.  We are tempted by our own evil desire. Today’s first reading and gospel, though,...