Daughters of Charity

Together We Can

The Daughters of Charity have had a presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo for over 90 years. The people living in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, come from different parts of the country. Although 64% of the population of Lemba is educated, only about 3% are...

The Charity of Christ Urges Them: The Daughters of Charity, Caribbean Province, in Haiti

This past October, Category 5 hurricane Matthew struck our brother* country of Haiti, leaving behind death and devastation with incalculable economic loss. Groups of people and communities were cut off due to flooding of rivers and destruction of bridges caused by the...

Cefonin Dining Hall of Dschang (Cameroon)

Dear Benefactors, I would like to introduce you to 4 boys. Their mother leaves home very early in the morning to clean a family’s home and she returns home around 6:00. She has a small salary of 38 € per month. We found the children in a very poor nutritional state....

Provincial Councils of Slavic Provinces of the Daughters of Charity Met in Celje, Slovenia

On October 20, the members of the provincial councils of the Slavic Provinces of the Daughters of Charity held joint meetings at Saint Joseph’s House in Celje, Slovenia. At that time the participants introduced themselves to one another. The members of the various...