Daughters of Charity

Daughters of Charity Support the Dignity of Women Traumatized by Human Trafficking

Daughters of Charity coordinate the Committee for the Support of Dignity of Women, which fights human trafficking through advocacy and projects/programs. From an article on globalsistersreport.org.

Why Be a Daughter of Charity in the 21st Century?

Greetings. My name is Dolores. I have been asked to share with all of you in a few words why I am a Daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. So I begin by explaining why I follow "this man who gave his life for you and for me." Any option today, given the social...

The Superior General at the Centennial Jubilee of the Province of Slovenia of the Daughters of Charity

In the joy of the Paschal season, on Saturday after Easter, the Daughters of Charity of the Province of Slovenia gathered with the members of the Vincentian Family and their friends near the Church of Saint Joseph in Celje. This is where the first Vincentian priests...

Esche’s Story: “I Lost Hope to Live”

A story of a woman named Esche and what she had to do to barely live from day to day.

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and  Depaul USA

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Depaul USA

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Depaul USA Members of the Little Rock, Arkansas Ladies of Charity have recently begun supporting the Jericho Way Center of Depaul USA. The facility opened a few months ago under the direction of Sr. Elizabeth Greim, DC, as a...