Daughters of Charity

Daughters of Charity in Spain Respond to the Suffering of Ukrainians

The Daughters, together with other individuals and institutions, have spared no effort to continue to respond to the current calls of our suffering brothers and sisters.

A drop of help in the sea of needs of the refugees from Ukraine

As Daughters of Charity, from the first day of the outbreak of the war, we “run to those in need as if to a fire.”

Vows of the Daughters of Charity

The annual and renewable vows of the Daughters of Charity are a progressive confirmation of their particular charism–
each year a new YES is pronounced in freedom to the vocation to which God calls them.

Latest Newsletter from the Daughters of Charity in the Province of Rosalie Rendu

Enjoy the latest quarterly newsletter from the Daughters of Charity in the Province of Rosalie Rendu.

Together We Can

Together We Can

The Daughters of Charity have had a presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo for over 90 years. The people living in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, come from different parts of the country. Although 64% of the population of Lemba is educated, only about 3% are...