Vincentian Family Office

Vincent de Paul: Working between Word and World

How an interest is awakened is not always easy to discern, but certainly the artwork with the characteristic face of Vincent de Paul on an exterior wall in Paris near Gare du Nord contributed to my interest in this seventeenth century man.

Vincentian Marian Youth General Assembly: “Witness with Hope” (Day #1)

Yesterday, Wednesday July 14, the General Assembly 2021 of Vincentian Marian Youth began. From the VMY International Facebook page you can follow the event.

Tanzania water project provides lifegiving help to locals

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is supporting efforts to ensure access to safe, clean water for Catholic health care facilities around the world.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Italy and 38 Other Associations Condemn the Possession of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction, therefore, as such, ethically unacceptable, as Pope Francis also recalled during his apostolic journey to Japan.