John Freund, CM


John Freund is a Vincentian priest with a passion for promoting collaboration among the many people inspired by Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac and who welcomes your engagement. Share your ideas and experiences!
Solidarity – Fr. Pat Griffin

Solidarity – Fr. Pat Griffin

Father Patrick Griffin CM reflects on “Solidarity” in his series devoted to Considering Consecrated Life In my last essay, I wrote about “blame” as it arises in the story of Aaron and the golden calf (Exod 32: 1-24).  This week, let me deal with an attitude which...

Being Authentically Catholic and Vincentian

Being Authentically Catholic and Vincentian Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, CM asks "Every generation has to think about the mission and purpose of the are we most authentically Vincentian carrying on the mission that Vincent began?" This is the question that every branch...